New Year’s Resolution: Update your profile pics! Quick advice and free tools for a smart refresh.

Who was the President when you last updated your profile pics? If you answered anyone other than Biden, it’s probably time for a change. And if you’re wearing a puka shell necklace or a designer trucker hat in your pic, it’s DEFINITELY overdue.


Your profile pics need to make a solid first impression. They reflect your personality and can have an impact on networking, job opportunities and possibly your career. So don’t wait for that spare moment that will never come, follow these easy tips to create a fresh and fulfilling profile pic.


1) Frame yourself so people can clearly see your face. Especially important for professional/business profiles.


2) Take multiple images from multiple angles. Hold your camera at face level and shoot face forward, 3/4 angle, and side profile images. You’ll probably prefer one over the others.


2) Be conscious of the background. Flat colors that contrast your image are ideal. Also, try your phone’s portrait settings to automatically blur the background.


3) Smile. It makes you more likeable. You be the judge on how big a smile is appropriate for a given platform.


Feeling Creative?

Give your profile pic some style to fit your personal brand with some FREE tools.


Adobe Free Online Profile Picture Maker Sign in and create the perfect pic with many templates.


Profile Pic Maker Slick, simple profile pics available with matching backgrounds.


Prefer an Avatar? Try one of the many FREE avatar creators to give your social media profiles a much-needed refresh.


Avachara  Simple anime-style avatar creator. Output as full-body or head and shoulders.


Avataaars Generator Quick, contemporary, completely free. Create an account and you’ll have lots of creative freedom.


Ready Player Me Build your own 3D-style avatar starting with a selfie.


Cool stuff eh? Now you have something to do over the holiday break so you can emerge in January refreshed and ready for the metaverse.