Embrace 2019 with Marketing Savvy.

What will the new year bring us? That depends on what we bring to the new year. Looking back on 2018 as a 365-day learning experience, we have plenty of marketing knowledge to carry us forward. Consider these five facts as you finalize your 2019 marketing strategy.


Direct mail delivers:  In 2018, we saw an increased demand for oversized and dimensional mailers among our B2B clients. Smart marketers continue to invest in direct mail because the ROI is strong thanks to campaigns that are increasingly data-driven and micro-targeted. In addition, digital marketing overload has made direct mail more personal, novel and interesting, especially among Gen-Y audiences.


Video views are rising: This is a trend that shows no sign of slowing down. Adding video to a website or landing page keeps visitors engaged with your site longer which leads to two important outcomes – better connections with your audience and better scoring with search engines.


Banner advertisers beware: In 2018, Google Chrome joined Apple’s Safari browser in offering limited ad-blocking features. Aggressive pop-up banners are becoming a thing of the past. We’ll all have to get creative with more precisely targeted and less-intrusive formats that won’t get blocked.


Inbound adds value: We cannot deny that this blog is a content marketing tool. Sharing our agency’s news and knowledge is something we hope will add value to our client relationships. Blogging, posting to social media and creating valuable content on your website helps highly qualified customers find you.


Relevance reigns supreme: No matter what tactics you use to reach your audience, the power of relevancy cannot be overstated. We are more time-starved and overexposed to advertising than ever. That’s why we’re excited to say that precisely targeted campaigns, personalized landing pages and tailored content are the new normal going into 2019.