Like our fellow members of the Eagles Nation, we are still glowing green over here at DCI. It was seriously difficult to focus on anything else with fighter jets buzzing your office and team members tweeting pics from the parade. So, before we get into an overdue commentary on the Super Bowl ads, here are our favs from the Eagles mania of last week:
BEST SLOGAN:From Wentz we came. In Foles we trust.
BEST CELEBRITY TWEET ABOUT VICTORY:Hard to explain if you’re not from Philly. The joy. The joy. THE JOY. #FlyEaglesFlyRob McElhenney
BEST COMMENT ON OVERLY-HYPED MAYHEM: The knucklehead contingent was extremely small. ~ Mayor Jim Kenney
Now, about those Super Bowl ads…
Our top pick goes to Tourism Australia’s Crocodile Dundee remake. Between the online release of a movie trailer and the subsequent Super Bowl ad,
pretty much everyone was thinking, “Is this for real?” Objective achieved! found that the fake trailers racked up 43.4 million video views and 578k social engagements BEFORE the game. After the game, people were still tweeting about it and calling for a legitimate remake.
Like our Eagles, Dundee apparently has quite the loyal fan base. Perhaps it’s because they have a lot in common. Dundee was a foreigner to the city just as the Eagles were to the Super Bowl. His tough and unconventional ways won our hearts in the same way we love the Eagles and our hometown. A bit of a stretch? So was the prospect of Philly winning the Super Bowl.